Saturday, October 14, 2006

In the time it takes

In the time it takes you to read the ramblings of this run-on sentence paragraph I will have written five times this much of thought that didn't make it into this paragraph because unfortunately for me I cannot type as fast as my mind works when it's on this groove of a railway called connected thought, dragging my conscience thought from word to word sentence to sentence, idea to thought to action, only there is no action because I'm sitting on Friday night alone typing happy drunken and meaningless into a keyboard hoping the great American feeling that has been blocking my bowels since puberty will spring forth. Free writing is the only way to truly express yourself even if you;re only writing crap hoping that somewhere amongst the lines of verbs nouns and bad punctuation so,me of the morality and meaning and substance of yourself will stain the page.
Electronic pages don;t stain, but maybe a slight spatter of creative blood, first blood will add depth and meaning to an otherwise meaningless stream of semi literate babbling..



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